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Free Range Films and Croft Sessions @ Sidmouth Fringe


In recent years filmmakers have recorded Fringe Artists during downtime in the day at various locations in and around the Fringe Sessions. Many thanks to Croft Sessions and Free Range Films

RUE 'Second Guess' in the marquee


Anna McLuckie 'Earlier Rise' in the Cottage Garden


Paradisia 'Dreamerin the village church


Hattie Whitehead 'I'm Seeing You Nowin a leafy lane


Firewoodisland 'What's Underneath'


CC Smugglers 'Good Day'

The Northern Heights in the woods


Circumnavigate 'Secret'


Little Sparrow 'By My Side'


Richard Navarro 'Tooth & Claw | Seabirds'


Hattie Whitehead 'Sit and Wait' (Salcombe Regis Church)

Wildwood Kin 'The Author' 

Twin Hidden 'Join Hands'


Tobias Ben Jacob 'We Are The First Ones Now'

Jess McAllister - Take A Walk'

Dirty Cello 'It Ain't Right'

Oh So Quiet 'Collided'

Wildwood Kin 'Grace'

Saturday Sun 'I Want A Life For You' 

SYŁVA 'Salt'

Sam Green and the Midnight Heist 'There's A Way'


Moon Brother 'Merry Go Round'


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